Prenatal Screening: Prenato Reduces its Prices!

18 June 2019

At Prenato, the accessibility of our services is at the heart of our concerns. Not long ago, we announced that our fetal DNA screening services would be available across Canada. Well, we’re going even further this May. We are pleased to announce that Prenato is lowering the price for these prenatal screening packages. In addition to being able to take our tests across Canada, you will now pay less for the same good service. Which company is reducing its prices in 2019? Prenato!


Noting the enthusiasm for our services and the increasing demand, Prenato wishes to enable as many pregnant women as possible to afford a quality prenatal screening and support worthy of the name. Although many insurers pay for prenatal screening services in whole or in part, it was important to us that as many prospective parents as possible could afford our services. Obtain reliable, safe and fast tests! Always aiming to be close to our customers and to meet their needs, Prenato maintains its mission to support you in the great world of prenatal screening. The hour of prenatal care with our Prenato nurses is therefore always included in the package at no additional cost. You can therefore get answers to your questions and have access to a trained professional throughout your pregnancy. As a prenatal clinic specializing in prenatal screening for trisomy, sex chromosome abnormalities and common genetic deficiencies, we offer pregnant women the opportunity to take a non-invasive test, as early as the 10th week of pregnancy, and it only requires one blood test.


Our Premium package, which includes the analysis of serum markers and is compatible with twin pregnancies, will now start at $320. Do you prefer the very high reliability of fetal DNA? Our Premium Plus package, which includes screening for the most common trisomies (13, 18 and 21), starts at $520. And our Signature package (one of the few on the market that can detect all existing trisomies) is now $625. In the case of fetal DNA, the sex of the baby will be announced to you and is included in the price.


It will also be possible to add the option of detecting the main genetic deficiencies (microdeletions) to one or other of our Premium Plus and Signature packages.


Prenato’s services are therefore accessible across Canada, more affordable and our health professionals are easy to reach and accessible. Accessibility is good, isn’t it?


Consult the prices by selecting your region!

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