• Complete offer of prenatal screenings across Quebec

    Prenatal screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13. Fast results on average 5 business days.

    Make an appointment

  • An innovative, comprehensive, and more importantly, personal prenatal support.

    Prenato is committed to becoming your key resource during your pregnancy.

    Make an appointment

  • The most reliable test in the market, with an accuracy of 99%

    and no risk to the mother or the baby. Just a simple blood test is required.

    Make an appointment


Comprehensive Prenatal Diagnosis Offer

The Prenato® clinic offers all future mothers a quick access to affordable cutting-edge tests as well as the services of a specialized team of healthcare professionals.


Non-invasive Prenatal Screening

Exclusively Offered in Canada


A simple blood test, without risk to you and your baby. Noninvasive prenatal testing is a cutting-edge screening test that safely and noninvasively screens for the most common chromosomal aneuploidies, as early as 10 weeks’ gestation, that can affect your baby’s future health.


3 simple steps

  1. Making appointments

    As early as your 10th week of pregnancy, please make an appointment by calling 1 877 362‑8602.

  2. Blood test

    The test is without risk to you and your baby. Just 1 or 2 tube of blood, drawn by one of our specialized nurses, is all that’s needed. Only 10 minutes is required.

  3. Receipt of results

    Fast results. Test results will be reported back to you and your physician or healthcare professional on average 5 business days. We also offer emergency telephone services.

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Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound

Between the 11th and 13th week of pregnancy, to detect genetic anomalies or certain malformations.

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Prenatal Support

Prenato is committed to becoming your key resource during your pregnancy.

One of our experienced prenatal nurses will be available to support you through regular appointments or phone calls.

You can count on us :

  • To recommend the tests you need
  • To organize and plan your baby’s birth
  • To give you advice in order to avoid any health risk for you and your unborn baby

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Payment Plans Available - Pay over time with paybright

Our Tests

Prenato® offers you a great line of tests for all prenatal diagnosis recommended for a normal pregnancy. Some tests are also offered on demand. Contact one of our nurses to get more information.


1er trimestre

  • Test génétique non invasif Verifi®
  • Échographie pour la clarté nucale
  • Test sanguin pour dépister les risques de prééclampsie

2e trimestre

  • Test génétique non invasif Verifi®
  • Deux échographies: clarté nucale et le suivi de croissance
  • Test sanguin pour dépister les risques de prééclampsie

3e trimestre

  • Test génétique non invasif Verifi®
  • Trois échographies
  • Prises de sang nécessaires à partir de la 11e semaine*
  • Test de dépistage du streptocoque B
Pour plus de détails

Customized Approach


Prenato®, an innovative private clinic taking advantage of the latest technological advances in genetics and specialized medicine.


During your pregnancy, Prenato® offers you a precise, comprehensive prenatal screening test without any risk for you or our unborn baby. We offer you a thoughtful and customized service in a safe atmosphere. We can support you throughout your pregnancy, and we will answer all your questions, which are normal during this period of change.


A 100% Quebec operated Clinic


The Prenato® private clinic is a division of Genoscience Diagnostic®, a business devoted to the application of the most recent technological advances in clinical genetics and specialized medicine, and to their direct clinical applications for the benefit and the well-being of pregnant women.


in collaboration with