Montreal (South-Ouest region): Free Nuchal translucency ultrasounds

17 November 2020

The Prenato clinics are proud to announce a new partnership with IRM Sud-Ouest, which offers free nuchal translucency ultrasounds. This will allow you to have your prenatal screening test as well as your nuchal translucency ultrasound done during the same appointment.


Radiologie IRM Sud Ouest is located in Montreal, near Côte-des-NeigesNotre-Dame-de Grâce. It will be possible to have various types of ultrasounds such as, viability, dating, the nuchal translucency, as well as 2nd and 3rd trimester ultrasounds. These services mentioned are covered by RAMQ, which means free of charge for the client who has a Quebec medical health insurance card. This service requires a prescription from your doctor or midwife since no ultrasounds can be done otherwise.


An accredited nurse from our team will be present to give you the blood test for your prenatal screening at the same time. For now, the following Fetal DNA tests are offered: Premium Plus and Signature. The analysis done will detect possible trisomy, as well as any abnormalities for all fetal chromosomes, including sex chromosomes and genetic disabilities. The result is reliable up to 99,9% with quick results.


This announcement will allow easy and quick access to the prenatal screening service for future mothers in the area, who do not wish to have this service done in a hospital.


You would like to make an appointment? Write to us!

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