Prenatal Screening: The Results

18 June 2019

The majority of future parents who decide to take a prenatal screening test do so mainly to reassure themselves. It’s somewhat like routine monitoring to rule out as many risks as possible. However, it is also at this time that many future parents see their lives turned upside down. While we often announce good news, our role is also to support parents who are going through extremely challenging times, such as when a baby diagnosed with trisomy or any other problem. What actually happens following your visit in a Prenato clinic?


Whether you take your test at one of our service points, via the remote prenatal screening service or at home, your blood sample is sent directly to the laboratory. The required analyses are then carried out in order to detect certain chromosome abnormalities. Depending on the test you have selected, we will be able to detect trisomies, sex chromosome abnormalities and certain identifiable genetic deficiencies. Some people will prefer to screen only the three main trisomies (13, 18 and 21), while others, sometimes at higher risk of genetic diseases, will want to take the test further and opt for a more complete test (Signature). Once the analysis is completed in the laboratory, we will receive your results quickly to determine if your baby is doing well.


If the results are encouraging, we will contact you and give you the results. You can also receive a copy at your request. However, if the results suggest a complication, we will communicate them instead to your health professional who referred you to us. Whether it is your midwife or doctor, we will inform them and send them the complete data of your prenatal screening test. Everything is done quickly and our team follows up with your health professional to ensure that he or she has contacted you. Thus, this person who is monitoring your pregnancy will be able to make certain decisions with you and take charge of the situation. For instance, it could be a decision to perform an invasive analysis, such as amniocentesis. Why should you go to your doctor (or midwife) rather than manage the situation yourself? Because it is your doctor or midwife who knows your entire medical file, and who will see you regularly until the birth of your baby. He or she will be able to assess your health, that of your baby and make diagnoses. Our role is to provide them with some tools to do this and to give you the opportunity to access a non-invasive prenatal screening test that is right for you.


Your Prenato nurse will then be able to accompany you through the different steps. Easily and quickly accessible, your Prenato nurse will remain your ally throughout your pregnancy. Her role is to clarify certain issues and apply her medical knowledge. You have a team with you, no matter the results, whether they are reassuring or worrying.

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