State of emergency: Prenatal support at a distance

14 April 2020

In this time of crisis due to COVID-19, Prenato is taking maximum precautions to keep both our team and mothers-to-be healthy. As a result, certain precautions are taken throughout your journey with us. Despite the context, we want to offer you a service that lives up to our reputation and we expect that it may be more and more difficult for you to reach a competent health professional. This is why we are maintaining our prenatal support service, but under certain conditions.


We take the government measures and the well-being of the entire population seriously. Our clientele of pregnant women and new mothers feels very vulnerable right now. There are many concerns, as well as fear of not getting the right support. Prenato is taking great steps to help!


Our team, both administrative and nursing, is working mainly from home. Our Prenato auxiliary and clinical nurses are equipped with a work computer and cell phone.

You can make an appointment with a member of our team for prenatal support online (Skype or messaging) or by phone. This service will primarily be offered to our clients during the pandemic to ensure ongoing service.


For any questions related to the risks of Coronavirus COVID-19, please contact the government information line at 1-877-644-4545. Although we have a wonderful and supportive team, they are passionate about perinatal and prenatal screening. We therefore are not offering any support or advice regarding Coronavirus.


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