The only Quebec-based NIPT Approved by Health Canada

28 April 2022

Health Canada is a federal institution that contributes to promoting and improving the health of Canadians. Its mandate is to ensure high quality health services and products, thereby decreasing health risks to the population. Renowned and well-respected, Health Canada has the power to approve (or reject) medications, tests, and health treatments. It is with great pride that Prenato announces that its Fetal DNA Screening test that detects the most common trisomies (13, 18, and 21) and fetal gender has been approved by Health Canada. Thus, making our Non invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) the only Quebec-based Fetal DNA test to be approved by Health Canada!


Prenato’s NIPT is a prenatal genetic screening which is 100% Quebec-based. Our team is proud to promote a test which contributes to local purchasing and encourages our local economy. Not only is your Fetal DNA prenatal screening a test that was created in Quebec, but it is administered by a team based in Quebec, then sent to our Quebec City lab for analysis. By minimising the transportation and handling of our samples, Prenato clinics offer a very rapid turnover of results (3 to 5 business days), but also limit risks related to international shipping and transport. This also allows for easy communication between Prenato and our lab since it is built-in to our Quebec City offices.


The importance of encouraging local business in Quebec

Buying local is a decision which promotes our own economy, but also provides salaries for local families. In the face of current economic instability and following this unprecedented crisis, Prenato wanted to make sure to contribute to the Quebec of tomorrow. It is also an eco-friendly option that helps promote a healthy future for our children since all transportation related to our testing is very minimal. In addition to being an economically and environmentally-conscious choice, Prenato’s Health Canada-approved Fetal DNA Screening offers significant advantages over our competitors by minimising the delay between drawing your sample and providing you with your results. This offers expectant parents peace of mind or an expedited medical follow up if needed.


Personalised and humane medical care approved by moms

Prenato is so much more than its prenatal screening test approved by Health Canada, it is a team made up of health care professionals experienced in perinatal health, genetics, ultrasound, and obstetrics, with expertise is all areas related to pregnancy. Each pregnant person that enters a Prenato clinic (or that of one of our partners’) is ensuring themselves a tailored medical experience that will meet their expectations. Future parents are always treated with care and their experience is always at the core of our priorities. We are our patients’ allies, but also allies of your health care professionals when it comes time to make recommendations or to explain your results. Our nursing team ensures that you obtain answers to all your questions. Most of all, we make sure you are never treated like a number!


Choosing Prenato’s NIPT is choosing a 100% Quebec-based test approved by Health Canada, but most importantly, it is choosing a fantastic team. In addition to our test’s reliability, each pregnant person has access to a competent, humane, and dynamic team. At Prenato, we leave nothing up to chance!

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