Why get a dating ultrasound in early pregnancy?

6 April 2022

Multiple ultrasounds are prescribed by your healthcare provider (physician or midwife) throughout your pregnancy. The purpose of these ultrasounds is to monitor your baby’s development and well-being, but also to ensure your own maternal health by assessing the uterus and its surrounding structures. In addition to being an excellent diagnostic tool, an obstetrical ultrasound performed during the first weeks of pregnancy can be extremely reassuring to future parents. Why get a dating ultrasound at Prenato?


A dating ultrasound for medical reasons

Although all pregnant women are excited to see their baby via ultrasound for the first time, one must note that typically the only early ultrasound prescribed is at the end of the first trimester, often referred to as the “nuchal translucency’’ ultrasound (or “nuchal scan’’). It is therefore not mandatory to get a dating ultrasound and it is usually not prescribed unless for a valid medical reason. Thus, you may be pregnant without ever having undergone a dating ultrasound.


Calculating your baby’s “due date” (EDD)

Usually performed in the first weeks of pregnancy (8 to 11 weeks), a dating ultrasound is most useful for women who have irregular periods, who have been using contraception, or who do not know when they became pregnant. This ultrasound can also be prescribed in the context of vaginal bleeding, a history of miscarriage(s), or for couples undergoing fertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF). A dating ultrasound is used to “date” your pregnancy by measuring the embryo. It is usually a good opportunity to determine if the embryo is viable, to confirm the presence of a heart beat, and to assess if it is a singleton or multiple (twins) pregnancy. Our medical imaging technologists are experienced in obstetrical ultrasounds and can determine the anatomical location of a pregnancy in order to detect extra-uterine (ectopic) implantation or risks of complications. A dating ultrasound also allows for the determination of your estimated date of delivery (EDD), also known as your baby’s “due date”. The EDD obtained via dating ultrasound is usually the most accurate.


Obstetrical ultrasounds are our specialty

Why book your dating ultrasound with Prenato? To have access to an expert team of professionals, clear images, and a premium healthcare experience.


Dating ultrasounds are available at our following locations: Quebec City, Brossard (DIX30), Blainville, and at our Vaudreuil-Dorion partner location. You may book your appointment by calling 1-877-362-8602 or Email us. We look forward to seeing you!

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