Blainville: Prenato, your pregnancy clinic!

16 November 2021

The Prenato team is pleased to serve future mothers in the North Shore sector of Montreal, more specifically in the Blainville sector. Our services dedicated to women’s health and pregnancy provide you with personalized prenatal support. Whether you are looking for prenatal screening for trisomy, an obstetric ultrasound or various maternity-related services, Prenato is here!


Prenatal screening

We offer two types of prenatal screening, as well as screening for preeclampsia that can help reduce up to 90% of your risk of developing this serious problem. All these tests are safe for the future mother and her baby. In addition to prenatal screening, Prenato (Laval and Blainville) can take care of your first trimester ultrasound (datation and nuchal translucency) if you have a prescription from your doctor or midwife.


Prenatal screening by sumrum markers (hormones)

Prenatal screening by serum markers (hormones) has been performed for several years in Quebec and is done in a single blood test between the 11th and 14th week of pregnancy to screen for trisomy 18 and 21. This test includes a first trimester ultrasound (nuchal translucency) to increase its reliability. It allows a result much earlier in pregnancy than the test offered by the Quebec program since it is carried out in a single appointment rather than several. In case of a high risk (>1/2500), Prenato will provide you with a fetal DNA screening test (reliable up to 99.9%) at no additional cost. This test is compatible with twin pregnancies.


Non-invasive prenatal testing

The most popular screening at Prenato is non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) since it is also the most reliable on the current market (up to 99.9%). It can be performed in a single blood test as early as the 10th week of pregnancy and results are given in 3 to 5 days. This test   screens for the main trisomies (13, 18 and 21) and the sex of the baby. It is also possible to add certain options for sex chromosome abnormalities, screening for all trisomies and some specific genetic syndromes. This test helps to avoid many invasive tests (e.g. amniocentesis) every year due to its high reliability and speed of analysis. Moreover, Prenato NIPT is one of the few prenatal screening tests to be analyzed in Quebec*, which reduces delays, transportation time and cost. This also allows for a close follow-up of samples and encourages a completely local service. To make your life easier and reduce your travel, it is possible to have your routine I and II done directly at Prenato at low cost.


Pregnant woman support

Prenato is different from other clinics because it focuses on the patient and offers a personalized service. With us, every pregnant woman is unique and deserves special attention. We are known for our prenatal support service, from the pre-conception meeting to that of the beginning of pregnancy, through the preparation for childbirth or the help with breastfeeding. We are a clinic of dedicated and passionate perinatal professionals that you can reach easily.


Would you like to schedule an appointment? Call 514-509-2066 or email us at


*Prenato NIPT screens for trisomies 13, 18 and 21, as well as the fetal sex.

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