Prenatal Screening (Fetal DNA): Do it at home!

14 April 2020

Canada is now in quarantine mode and it is likely to become increasingly difficult to obtain health care and services. Many mothers-to-be are therefore faced with the impossibility of obtaining a nuchal translucency ultrasound or a prenatal screening test. By opting for a fetal DNA test, screening for trisomy, abnormalities of sex chromosomes and certain other genetic syndromes is possible at home. The one condition? Have access to a nurse who can take the mother’s blood sample.


Almost everyone knows a nurse. A friend, a sister, an aunt, a spouse… By having access to your own health care professional, you can avoid a clinic visit, even if our precautions are increased. You will then benefit from the same reliable results without taking additional risks. If you know a health professional who can take your blood sample, contact your Prenato clinic for your prenatal screening kit. Your kit will be sent directly to you at home by mail and you can then ship it yourself in a pre-paid envelope to Illumina’s laboratory.


The results from the laboratory will then be sent to our team and we will then take care of sending them to you and your treating professional (doctor or midwife). A good way to perform your prenatal screening test safely. Follow this link to order your fetal DNA test at home.

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